Our life before returning to church was a bit stormy, lonely, heavy, and we felt like something was missing. We started to question our choices, and we felt more alone and sadder than ever and we almost abandoned god. We masked our depression, and put bandaids on our wounds . We knew that without Christ our family would be broken and lost.
In our walk with God we learned how gracious he was to show us the truth about church, that it isn’t defined by walls but by people. We found people that we can call our chosen-through-God family. We now know that it was one of God’s amazing gifts to us, to find our church.
In our experience, living with Christ and for Christ is not perfect and not easy. The fact that we gave our life to Christ doesn’t mean that we suddenly stopped hitting walls or seeing obstacles in our way. It doesn’t mean we don’t have to fight with sin anymore because we do. But now we know that in every situation no matter how hard, God is the Lord of it. We know we don’t fight the sin alone because we know that God is fighting for us and is our ever-present help in the time of trouble. We still can’t believe the transaction that God had for us. For our heart of stone he gave us a heart of flesh that can love him and accept the free gift of salvation that Jesus Christ brings.