
Getting Ready for the Resurrection

Mar 13, 2024    Dr. Cole Phillips

Welcome to the Connect Podcast with Cole Phillips! In this episode, we're diving into the significance of preparation in both monumental adventures and spiritual endeavors.

Imagine the monumental challenge of climbing Mount Everest. It requires rigorous training, thorough preparation, and a vast array of specialized equipment. Just like climbing Everest, Easter weekend is a big deal for us as Christ-followers, requiring meticulous preparation.

Cole draws parallels between the preparation needed for climbing Everest and the spiritual preparation required for Easter. Just as climbers need various tools and gear, we too need spiritual tools and readiness for what God has in store for us.

Using Luke 9:51-56 as a foundation, Cole emphasizes Jesus's unwavering commitment to His mission despite rejection. He encourages us to prepare spiritually and practically, just as Jesus sent messengers ahead to prepare for His arrival.

Through reflection on the disciples' reaction to rejection, Cole highlights the importance of maintaining focus on the mission of reaching the lost, rather than being deterred by rejection.

With Easter approaching, Cole shares strategies for spiritual growth, reaching out to others, serving, and giving. From committing to prayer to inviting others to Easter services, every action contributes to the Kingdom's work.

As Victory Sunday approaches, Cole invites listeners to participate in a special offering to support the vision of A Place to Call Home, emphasizing the impact of collective generosity.

Ultimately, Cole underscores the core message of Easter: Christ's death and resurrection. This central truth is what we celebrate, and our preparation and actions during this season reflect our commitment to spreading the Good News.

Join us as we prepare spiritually and practically for Easter, anticipating the transformative impact of celebrating Christ's victory over death.